Fitness Training
Place: Senior Center - Entrance by Red Awning
Room: Gymnasium (Class size limit 40)
Day: Tuesday
Time: 9:30 - 10:30 am
Instructor: Jim Denniston
This class includes warm-up stretching, upper body and lower body strength training exercises, cool-down stretching and meditation. Each participant utilizes a chair and their own hand weights. The recommended beginner weights are 2-5 pounds for women and 3-8 pounds for men. Exercises are done to your favorite music from the 50’s and 60’s.
Instructor’s Biography: Jim has over 20 years of experience in Fitness and Exercise instructing at the University and Public School level. He has expertise in: teaching, evaluation and program design, fitness training facilities, equipment usage, as well as B.S. in Physical Education and Health Education. Jim also has advanced study in exercise science, weight training and weight loss.