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 Caregiver Services

Caregiver Support Group and Stress Reduction Sessions meet throughout the month at the Town of Huntington Senior Center. These groups serve to help caregivers cope with the physical and emotional stresses associated with a loved one’s impairment, including dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. These programs are coordinated by our Social worker, Laurie Byrne, LMSW. Laurie can be contacted by phone at (631) 351-3253 Ext. 3780 or by email at Please mention to Laurie if you would like to be added to her contact list for all future Caregiver programs.

The Caregiver Services program is funded by the Town of Huntington, the U.S. Administration for Community Living through New York State Office for the Aging and Suffolk County Office for the Aging.

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Contact information

Laurie Byrne, LMSW
Senior Division
423 Park Avenue, Room 113
Huntington, NY 11743
(631) 351-3253 Ext. 3780