Public Bus Transportation

Public bus transportation is available through Huntington’s HART Bus system, Suffolk County Transit and Nassau's NICE bus system.
All systems operate networks of Fixed Route Buses that connect seniors with places of interest, including the Huntington Senior Center on Park Avenue. Buses are handicap accessible. Senior citizens, individuals with disabilities and Medicare cardholders are eligible for reduced bus fares.
All systems also provide Special Needs Paratransit (curb-to-curb transportation) for those whose disabilities prevent them from using fixed route buses for the general public. HART also offers paratransit, with reduced priority, to non-disabled senior residents who are unable to drive or have no ready access to HART fixed route bus services. HART operates solely within the Town of Huntington. All paratransit services require prior registration and enrollment. (Paratransit is offered only on the basis of need. Others must use fixed route buses.)