
Planning, Building, & Zoning

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Planning, Building & Zoning

A major function of Town government is determining how land in the Town can and should be developed and setting standards for how buildings are constructed.

The Planning & Environment Department reviews development applications and makes recommendations to the Town Board and Planning Board. Requests for permission to undertake projects not in line with the Town Code fall under the authority of the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Planning & Environment Department reviews applications for zoning variances and makes recommendations to the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Planning & Environment Department also makes recommendations to the Town Board about the Capital Program and about potential open space and parkland acquisitions.

The Building & Housing Division, part of the Engineering Services Department , reviews building and site plans, issues building permits, inspects construction activity as it progresses and issues Certificates of Occupancy. The Building Division is responsible for ensuring that all construction activity complies with state and local code requirements.

The Town Board appoints the members of the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals.

Planning Department Update:

We are happy to announce that applications for Tree Permits and Site Plans are now available from our Online Permit Portal (available from the 'Applications, Forms, & Permits' link').  Additional online permits will be available soon!