Edmund J. Smyth was elected Huntington Town Supervisor for a four-year term beginning January 1, 2022. Smyth, the son of two immigrants, is a lifelong resident of Huntington, a man of discipline and strong work ethic, which he attributes to his time in the service as a U.S. Marine (res.) Staff Sergeant.
Ed Smyth is a small business owner who has practiced law on Main Street in Huntington Village for over two decades. A graduate of Huntington Leadership, Smyth is a former President of the Huntington Lawyers Club, and a former member of the Lloyd Harbor ZBA. Ed and his wife, Coriander, met at Huntington High School over three decades ago. They love Huntington and chose to raise their four children here: Harlan; Eddie Jr.; Lily; and Sarah. Since elected to the Huntington Town Board as Councilman in 2017, Smyth has worked tirelessly to ensure Huntington is a place their children can also live and raise their families.
First taking elected office as Councilman in 2018, Ed Smyth has delivered on every campaign promise, starting with his first month in office by voting to enact term limits for all elected officials and increase government transparency by live-streaming Town Board meetings. Later, he sponsored a measure adding transparency to the Town Board resolution process.
As Councilman, Smyth also successfully proposed measures stopping overdevelopment in our downtowns, preserving open space, limiting noise pollution, and making the Cold War Veterans Tax Exemption permanent. To improve quality of life in our neighborhoods and avoid placing additional demands on our infrastructure, Supervisor Smyth will work to encourage the redevelopment of blighted and underutilized properties before supporting new development. Smyth will push for the creation of an affordable housing trust fund, which will help far more people than the affordable housing lottery program he inherited could ever achieve.
Smyth voted to establish ethics reforms and fund critical infrastructure improvements, including roads, sewers, water treatment, and waterfront facilities, as well as the historic vote in December 2021 to dedicate the Town's $22 million American Rescue Act Funds to the Huntington Station Hub Sewer Project, which will help encourage long-overdue economic investment and job creation in downtown Huntington Station.
Supervisor Smyth will continue to put taxpayers first to ensure that our local Town government is working efficiently, transparently, and at a minimum cost to its residents, keeping spending under the Tax Cap, which will maintain the Town’s AAA bond rating. He considers one of his most important achievements as Councilman to be his vote to settle the decade-long LIPA lawsuit, which threatened to bankrupt the Town. Smyth plans to work with the residents of Huntington and his colleagues on the Town Board to implement practical solutions to everyday issues and sustainable programs that will strengthen and help unify our town.
Residents have a right to public safety and the Smyth administration will remain a strong partner of our law enforcement community, working with the Second Precinct to end overcrowding and hazardous housing conditions, coupled with consistent code enforcement and continued anti-gang and anti-drug initiatives to keep our neighborhoods safe.
Supervisor Smyth believes small businesses are the heart and soul of our local economy. During the pandemic, Smyth worked alongside downtown business owners to figure out how to keep their doors open. The Smyth administration will work to reduce burdens on small business and promote original, outside-the-box ideas that expand commerce and increase parking capacity.
As Councilman, Smyth sponsored a measure implementing oyster beds in Huntington’s harbors to naturally filter our water and initiated the “Pick Up Six” anti-litter environmental campaign. Supervisor Smyth will work with Town stakeholders on clean water and environmental initiatives, including improvements to the Town's sewage treatment plant to protect water quality and to our waste management and recycling programs to reduce waste.
Smyth also supported investments in public art, such as the Town’s Traffic Signal Box Public Art Initiative, Black History Public Art Initiative, and the restoration of the century-old exterior of the Heckscher Museum and the Town’s collection of art in the museum.
Supervisor Smyth is intimately familiar with the diverse interests of Huntington, believing that with teamwork and assistance from friends –- old and new –- our town will continue make the inevitable transformation into an example, other Town governments will look at as a model for growth.