As of January 2022:
- In-person traffic court hearings have resumed.
Traffic Violations Bureau
The Town of Huntington Traffic Violations Bureau assists the District Court of the County of Suffolk in the disposition of offenses related to violations of parking laws, ordinances, rules and regulations and collects fines related to parking violations.
The Town of Huntington made substantive amendments to the Traffic Code that impacts procedures to respond to a ticket and consequences when there is a failure to respond to a ticket. These new procedures will apply to all tickets issued on or after September 3, 2019. Please find below a Ticket Timeline.
Violators are required to respond to a ticket within 30 days; failure to do so may result in the reduction of Town services, imposition of a default judgment, nonrenewal of New York State motor vehicle registration (if applicable) and/or immobilization.
Ticket Timeline
Day 1: Parking ticket issued.
Day 30: Last day to respond to a parking ticket without penalties imposed.
Day 31: Failure to respond to a parking ticket by Day 30 results in:
- Reduction in Town services; ineligibility to obtain various Town-issued permits and licenses, including: taxi and tow truck licenses, commuter parking permits, and recreation I.D. cards.
- Ineligibility for minimum fine.
Day 61: Failure to respond to a parking ticket by Day 60 results in:
- Issuance of Notice of Impending Default Judgment.
- Imposition of $25 administrative fee.
Day 90: Last day to respond to a parking ticket before Default Judgment imposed.
Day 91: Failure to respond to a parking ticket results in:
- Default Judgment imposed; judgment sent to collections.
- Maximum fine imposed.
- Administrative fee imposed increases to $100.
- Ineligibility to pay ticket at Town Hall.
Additional Consequences
In addition to the consequences noted in the Timeline above:
- Nonrenewal of New York State Motor Vehicle Registration: Violators who fail to respond to three (3) or more tickets within an eighteen (18) month period may be subject to nonrenewal of a New York State motor vehicle registration.
- Immobilization: Vehicles may be immobilized with a device designed for the immobilization of vehicles and/or removed by the Department of Public Safety or its duly authorized agent if:
- the vehicle is parked on or abandoned on any highway or Town parking field within the Town of Huntington in violation of any provision of the Town Code prohibiting or regulating the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles; or
- the vehicle is parked, left standing or stopped on any street, highway, Town parking field, private parking field listed in Schedule K or in any shopping center or facility comprising five or more retail stores and having twenty (20) or more off-street parking spaces; or
- the vehicle is known to have three (3) or more violations of any provision of the Town Code prohibiting or regulating the stopping, standing or parking of vehicles, and which three or more violations are outstanding as unpaid or otherwise unanswered; or
- the registered owner has in excess of five hundred dollars ($500) in unpaid parking tickets.

Self-Serve Windshield Immobilization Device, "The Barnacle"
Contact Information
Traffic Violations Bureau
100 Main Street
Main Lobby Window
Huntington, NY 11743
The Traffic Violations Bureau Accepts walk-ins Monday-Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-4pm.
(631) 351-3048
Pay/Appeal Parking Ticket
Traffic Court Dates