
Town Attorney

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Town Attorney

The Office of the Town Attorney acts as legal counsel to the Town of Huntington, the Town Board, the officers of the Town of Huntington, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Planning Board.

The Town Attorney’s Office prepares and reviews resolutions and local laws for the Town Board, represents the Town in legal proceedings and litigation in the courts, and prepares, reviews and processes all contracts, agreements and insurance policies.

The Town Attorney’s Office brings cases to address violations of the Town Code in the District Court and before the newly established Bureau of Administrative Adjudication.

The Town Attorney is responsible for the administration of the Traffic Violations Bureau and assists in the review of special event and film permits.

On a daily basis, the Town Attorney’s office responds to countless legal inquiries made by Town officials, Town personnel and constituents in Town-related matters.

The Town Attorney’s Office cannot offer legal counsel to private residents in private matters. A resident in need of legal advice may contact the Suffolk County Bar Association Lawyer Referral and Information Service at 631-234-5577.

The Town Clerk is the official recipient of legal papers served against the Town.

Contact Information

Susan J. Coleman
Town Attorney
J. Edward Gathman Jr.
Deputy Town Attorney

Town Hall (Room 203)
100 Main Street
Huntington, NY 11743
8:30am-4:30pm, M-F

Phone: (631) 351-3042 
Fax: (631) 351-3032