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Transfer of Density Flow Rights

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Huntington Town Code, Chapter 172, Land Conservation, enables implementation of a Transfer of Density Flow Rights (TDFRProgram to preserve open space by restoring the density permitted by existing zoning on properties affected by the Suffolk County Sanitary Code.

The TDFR Program contains criteria and review processes for Planning Board administration of private party transfers of privately-held density flow rights and public benefit distribution of publicly-held density flow rights. It identifies the preferred characteristics of potential sending and receiving sites. It defines a three tiered application review that involves a Letter of Interpretation (LOI), Density Flow Rights Certificate (DFRC), and Redemption/Transfer Authorization/Registry. The proposed TDFR Program will enable some development in accordance with existing zoning classifications and consistent with SCDHS Transfer of Development Rights Standards on a receiving property, while conserving a sending site as natural open space.