
Councilman Cuthbertson

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Septic Improvement Program

The Town of Huntington, in cooperation with Suffolk County Department of Health Services, would like to encourage eligible Huntington residents to apply for a grant through the County’s new Septic Improvement Program.  Grant funding, of up to $10,000, will be provided toward the purchase and installation of Suffolk County Department of Health Services approved Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems.  An additional $1,000 may be available toward installation of Pressurized Shallow Drainfields for a maximum grant of up to $11,000.  Homeowners can also qualify to finance the remaining cost of the system over 15 years at a low 3% fixed interest rate. 

Nitrogen pollution from cesspools and septic systems has been identified as the largest single cause of degraded water quality contributing to beach closures, restrictions on shellfishing, toxic algae blooms, and massive fish kills.  Thousands of parcels are currently served by these polluting cesspools and septic systems and will never connect to a sewer system.  By installing advanced wastewater treatment systems, homeowners would in turn play a significant role in reducing nitrogen pollution and protecting the County's pristine waters.

For more information about the Septic Improvement Program, please visit the following website: