
Town Clerk

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Request a Marriage Transcript

To submit your request online, click hereRequest a Marriage Transcript 

To mail in a request, please download a copy of our Marriage Transcript Request Form (PDF).

Huntington Town Clerk Andrew P. Raia has on record only those marriages for which a Marriage License was obtained from the Town of Huntington. Please note: the location of your wedding ceremony does not automatically determine where your marriage license is filed. You must apply to the Town or City Clerk's office you acquired your marriage license from.

Written Requests: Transcript requests in writing should be addressed to Andrew P. Raia, Town Clerk/Registrar, Town of Huntington, 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743 and include:

• Husband’s Full Name
• Wife’s Full Name
• Date and Location of Marriage
• The purpose for which the record is required
• Number of Copies
• Return Address and Telephone Number
• Please include a photocopy of your current Driver’s License or other Acceptable Identification

There is a $10 (ten dollar) fee for each certified copy produced on safety paper with a raised seal.
 ATM/Debit cards are accepted over the counter. (Please note that users of an ATM/Debit cards incur an additional $2.50 convenience fee payable to the processor VitalChek Network – not the Town. The processor fee will appear on your monthly bank statement.) A penalty of  twenty dollars ($20) shall be charged to the maker of a check returned for insufficient funds. 
  • Some examples of purpose for which Marriage Record is Required: Passport, Social Security-Retirement, Social Security-SSI, Retirement, Employment, Driver License/Learner Permit, Welfare Assistance, Veteran’s Benefits, Court Proceeding, Entrance into Armed Forces.
  • Types of Acceptable Identification: Driver’s License, Non-driver’s ID, Passport, Naturalization Papers, Military ID, Police report of Lost or Stolen ID.

 Internet Requests: You may also submit your request through the VitalChek Network at VitalChek Network using a credit card. Please have supported documentation available to scan along with your request.

 If you have further questions please contact Town Clerk Andrew Raia's office at (631) 351-3206.