

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Marine Conservation (Permits, Freshwater Wetlands, Flood Plains)

Federal, State, and Local governments are all charged with the responsibility to maintain the quality of coastal and fresh waters and the integrity of the coastal habitat. Maritime Services plays an important role in carrying out the Town of Huntington's legal responsibilities and coordination with other levels of government.  Three specific areas include the processing of Marine Conservation Permits, maintenance of Freshwater Wetlands and Flood Plain maps and records.  

Marine Conservation PermitsA Marine Conservation Permit is essentially a Building Permit for the waterfront. Maritime Services administers the Maritime Conservation Program and coordinates with the Building Department to issue permits, conduct inspections, and issue certificates of completion.

Freshwater WetlandsThe Freshwater Wetlands are mapped by DEC.  Building Permit applications on wetlands and adjacent properties "flagged" by DEC are subject to environmental review.

Flood Plains: Maritime Services maintains maps and records regard flood plain boundaries.