LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan)
A Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan is a coastal zone planning document prepared under guidelines set down by the New York State Department of State (NYSDOS) consistent New York State’s “Coastal Zone Management Plan” and consistent with Federal and State authorizing laws and regulations:
• Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 and regulations (15 CFR Part 923). |
• New York State the Waterfront Revitalization of Coastal Area and inland Waterways Act
(Executive Law, Article 42) and regulations (19 NYCRR Part 600-603). |
• New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and regulations (6 NYCRR Part 617). |
The purpose of an LWRP is to preserve, protect and enhance the environmental, social and economic resources and amenities of a specific coastal area (Local Waterfront Revitalization Area or LWRA). There are three (3) approved LWRPs pertaining to Huntington’s coastal areas:
• Huntington Harbor LWRP adopted by the Huntington Town Board and approved by NYSDOS. |
• Lloyd Harbor LWRP adopted by the Village of Lloyd Harbor and approved by NYSDOS. |
• Huntington Bay LWRP adopted by the Village of Huntington Bay and approved by NYSDOS. |
Property owners adjacent to Huntington Harbor, Lloyd Harbor or Huntington Bay who wish to determine whether they are within an LWRA can contact Maritime Services. The department maintains LWRP maps and a list of LWRA properties indexed by Suffolk County Tax Map number. The entire Huntington Harbor LWRP can be viewed at the following locations:
• Reference Section of any Huntington Library |
• Town Hall Maritime Services Office |
• Huntington Harbormaster’s Office |
Properties within an LWRA are subject to the planning policies and sub-policies developed in the LWRP and any proposed project or action (unless specifically excluded) for which a Town permits or approvals are required must be determined to be “consistent” with the LWRP before a permit or approval can be granted. This applies equally to any Federal or State permits or approvals that may be necessary. An applicant for a Town permit or approval for a project or action within the Huntington Harbor LWRP will receive a Consistency Assessment Form (CAF) to be filled and returned to the office processing the permit or approval. Maritime Services is responsible for reviewing the completed CAF and any other necessary documentation and issuance of a determination of consistency. The original determination is mailed to the applicant with a copy forwarded to the processing department.
• Projects and actions consistent with the LWRP can proceed. |
• Determinations of non-consistency requires project/action modifications to be consistent. |
Legal authority for enforcement of the LWRP is Huntington Town Code, Chapter 134, “LWRP Consistency Review Law, adopted April, 2000. Town Code contains the entire procedure for consistency reviews, as well as the LWRP policies and sub-policies.