Life Jacket/Personal Flotation Device (PFD) FAQs

Q. What is a PFD?
A. It stands for “Personal Flotation Device” which is the modern term for any device designed to keep an individual afloat in open water, including life jackets, life vests, float rings, airplane seat cushions, life belts, inflatable jackets, etc.
Q. If I inflate my PFD by accident, do I have to replace it with a new one?
A. No. All modern inflatable life jackets and life vests use small CO2 cartridges to inflate. The gas cartridges are easy and inexpensive to replace. Some jackets and vests come with a spare cartridge in a special pocket.
Q. Does it matter how I store a life jacket or other PFD?
A. Yes. How you store your PFD is vitally important. PFD’s should be stored in a very accessible place and vessel occupants should know where they are so they can get them at a moment’s notice.
Q. Do I need to clean my PFD after using it?
A. Yes. Rinsing your PDF with fresh water will keep it in good condition.
Q. My PFD has mold on it. What should I do now?
A. It may be possible to clean the mold off of your PFD. Try using typical cleaning procedures for removing mold and mildew from fabric. If you can’t get it clean, or if you can see deterioration of the life jacket’s outer covering, then its time to shop for a new PFD.
Q. Can I get a life jacket for my dog?
A. Yes. There are special life jackets made just for dogs.
Q. What’s wrong with a little mold or mildew on my life jacket?
A. First, you should realize that when we speak of mold or mildew, we are talking about a number of different kinds of molds or fungi. These primitive plant-like organisms are simply homsteading in the very comfortable, wet environment of the covering of your PFD. As the mold/mildew goes about its business, the material that makes up your PFD’s covering is scavanged for food and subjected to chemical wastes products. This will weaken the fabric, slowly compromising its ability to hold your PFD together. This can result in a mechanical failure in your jacket/vest when you can least afford it. Besides, they can make your PSD smell bad!
Q. My life vest has developed a strange and unpleasant smell. What could be causing it?
A. It is probably a good indicator that you haven’t been properly cleaning or storing your vest. It may have become home to mold or mildew. Look for discolorations, spots and areas where the smell is the strongest. These can all be infested areas. Clean your vest thoroughly and let it dry.
Q. I have had my life jackets since I bought my boat. When will I need new ones?
A. It depends entirely on how they have been cared for and stored.
Q.As a woman, I have not been able to find a life jacket that is comfortable enough to wear for very long. Is there a solution?
A. Yes. Many companies sell PFD’s designed just for women. Although designed for kayakers, it is appropriate for any Coast Guard Approved Type III activity (coastal boating).