
Planning, Building, & Zoning

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Historic Preservation Commission


Contact Information

Megan Gomez, Chair
Nicholas D. Loizides, Vice Chair
Robert S. Kissam
Elissa Kyle
Lawrence Leek
James Powers
Alfred Walker
Robert C. Hughes, Town Historian & Secretary
228 Main Street
Huntington, NY 11743
Phone: (631) 351-3244
Fax: (631) 351-3245

The Town Board established the Historic Preservation Commission to assist the Town with conserving, protecting and perpetuating historic landmarks and historic districts within the unincorporated areas of the Town of Huntington. 

Powers and Duties of the Historic Preservation Commission

1. Recommend to the Town Board the designation of places, sites, structures, buildings and areas as historic landmarks and historic districts.
2. Study, evaluate and issue written reports and advisory recommendations on all proposals for landmark or historic district status designation.
3. Review and provide written advisories to the Town Board on all applications for Certificates of Approval required under Huntington’s Zoning Code (Section 198-41).
4. Review and issue written reports on all municipal proposals relative to uses or structures affecting a designated landmark or historic district.
5. Review and advise the Town regarding Federal and State grants and tax incentives available to assist with the preservation or rehabilitation of designated historic landmarks and districts.
6. Act as the Town Board’s liaison for increasing public awareness, interest and participation in the preservation of Huntington’s historic, architectural and cultural landmarks.

Improvements to Historic Properties: Private owners of designated Historic Landmark properties who wish to make alterations or improvements should provide the Historic Preservation Commission with project details.  These include address, dimensions, the zoning district, the tax map number, the use of the property, existing structures and specific location where the proposed work will occur on the property.  It is particularly important to provide details on how the work might impact exterior design and the scenic or aesthetic appearance of the property.  This will assist with the Certificate of Approval process.

For information regarding necessary Building Permits, contact the Building & Housing Office in Town Hall (Room 115) at 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743.