
Town Clerk

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Municipal Clerks’ Week May 5th-8th, 2025



Municipal Clerk's Week May 5-11, 2024 

Andrew P. Raia

Town of Huntington Jo-Ann Raia Archives

In celebration of Municipal Clerks’ Week this year, Andrew P. Raia, Huntington Town Clerk and Records Management Officer, presents a new exhibit, “Native, Extinct and Invasive Species”, featuring terrestrial and aquatic species in our area that benefit or harm our ecosystems. The exhibit also introduces extinct and endangered species.
The exhibit can be seen on the first floor, outside the Town Clerk’s Department, and on the third floor, across from the Council Office, from May through December 2024. It can be viewed during Town Hall business hours, Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.
To enhance the exhibit, a handout has been developed and it is offered to the public free of charge.
For further information please contact the Town Archivist at 631-351-3035 or

“Native, Extinct and Invasive Species” Handout


Legal History of the Town of Huntington 2023



All Hallows Month 2023

Have you heard?

Hattie Schreck, the unfortunate young woman who was engaged to Francis Asbury Hawkins of Islip will be visiting us during “All Hallows Month” to tell us why her fiancé was sentenced to hang. Islip Town Constable who arrested Asbury will accompany her.

Can you guess who murdered The Smiths at the Gardiner Farmhouse?

Why did Mary Sutten steal Mrs. Lide’s curtains?

Who broke Mr. Van Wycke’s heart?

Have you visited Strawberry Hill lately?

Don’t allow Richard Latting to come to Town!!!

Visit us during Tuesdays and Thursdays in the month of October from 1pm -3pm and find out.


Don’t miss out All Hallows Night on October 26th from 5pm to 7:30pm when Town departments will hold an open house.

It will be a night of suspense, fine entertainment, discussions with Town employees, networking, and much, much more.

These events are offered to the public free of charge, courtesy of Town Clerk Andrew P. Raia. For more information and to reserve a spot please call the Town Clerk’s Department at 631-351-3381 or 631-351-3035.




2022 Farming Exhibit


Commonly Requested Application Forms

  1. Birth Certificate Transcripts: Download an application or order a copy online at: and follow the prompts for the Town of Huntington.
  2. Death Certificate Transcripts: Download an application or order a copy online at: and follow the prompts for the Town of Huntington.
  3. Marriage Certificate Transcripts: Download an application or order a copy online at: and follow the prompts for the Town of Huntington.
  4. Disability Parking Permits: Download an application and return it by mail or fax (with a copy of your Driver's License) to Fax: (631) 351-3205 or by mail to: Huntington Town Hall, Town Clerk's Office (Room 102), 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743.

The following license and permit applications can be downloaded online and mailed to the Town Clerk’s office, along with a check written to Andrew P. Raia, Town Clerk:

  1. Dog Licenses: Download an application and mail in after completed.
  2. Resident Commuter Parking Permit: Download an application and mail in after completed.
  3. Non-Resident Commuter Parking Permit: Download an application and mail in after completed.
  4. Download permit applications for TaxiTow TruckPeddler, and Sound Devices and mail in after completed.
  5. For other Town permits and licenses, please download an application and follow the instructions for the specific permit or license you are seeking.
  6. Download Town Board Materials (Resolutions, Agendas, Minutes). (If you do plan on participating in the public hearings, we advise that you participate via email at (or by postal mail) so that your comments are included on the record and distributed to all Town Board members.)

Return these applications (with payment, if required, made out to Andrew P. Raia, Town Clerk,) by mail to: Huntington Town Hall, Town Clerk's Office (Room 102), 100 Main Street, Huntington, NY 11743.