
Town Clerk

Due to the upcoming weather the ice rink has a delayed start tomorrow. The rink will open at 8:00 AM. The morning freestyle will be changed to: Monday, January 20th - 8:00 - 9:50 AM.

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Carnival, Circus, Fair & Amusement Events*

  *Per Huntington Town Code, Chapter 91, Carnival, Circus, Fair & Amusement Events  
    Download the Carnival, Circus, Fair & Events Permit Application (PDF)

Requirements for a Carnival, Circus, Fair & Event Permit

1. Completed application for Carnival, Circus, Fair and/or Amusement Event submitted with all necessary documents a minimum of 30 days prior to the event if the event is held on private property and 60 days if an event is held on public property.

2. $500 non-refundable application fee by cash, money order or check No fee if an applicant is a religious, charitable, patriotic, or volunteer fire organization. A late application or the failure to submit all required documents fifteen (15) days prior to the event is subject a $250 late fee.  A penalty of twenty dollars ($20.00) shall be charged to the maker of a check returned for insufficient funds.

3. $500 bond (no exemption) by cash, money order or check

4. Site plan (see Chapter 91 of Town Code for details)

5. If event takes place on property not owned by applicant, NOTARIZED Letter of Permission from owner of property must be included with application

6. Copy of a contract between the applicant and the amusement company, if applicable

7. Certificate of Insurance issued by a company licensed to do business in NYS naming Town of Huntington as an additional named insured (for applicant and any other participants in the event if not covered under applicant’s policy)

8. Approval of TOH Fire Prevention Bureau for fireworks, tents and/or propane, if applicable Call 631-351-3138 for instructions regarding that application process.

9. Approval of Suffolk County Health Dept. for food service, if applicable
Call (631) 853-6974 to make an appointment for Health Dept. inspection.

10. Completed Games of Chance applications, if applicable

Please note this is a partial list (see Town Code Chapter 91 for details); all applications will be reviewed on an individual basis as to requirements relative to type of event.