

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Education & Outreach

Protecting the quality of surface waters and subsurface groundwater is of concern to every community on Long Island. 

In accordance with federal and state law as overseen by the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) municipalities must develop and maintain local Stormwater Protection programs for their municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Two important required elements are Education & Outreach and Public Participation & Involvement. 

As part of outreach and involvement, Huntington is a contributing member to the Oyster Bay/Cold Spring Harbor Protection Committee and the Crab Meadow Watershed Citizen’s Advisory Committee and the Northport Harbor Water Quality Protection Committee (NHWQPC).  All these groups foster inter-municipal and multi-jurisdictional efforts that bring together government officials, environmentalists, scientists and local stakeholders, working jointly to protect and enhance the quality of our coastal waters.

Red Tide 

Listen to Stony Brook University marine scientist and Northport Harbor Water Quality Committee member Dr. Christopher Gobler discuss the impact of Red Tide on Long Island's harbors, bays and coastal waters.

Learn more about Christopher J. Gobler, Ph.D, Professor, School of Marine and Atmospheric Research at Stony Brook University whose research group focuses on plankton ecology, aquatic biogeochemistry and stressors on coastal marine resources.

Jump to the Stony Brook University Marine Research page on this site.


In addition to the meetings and educational seminars held by the NHWQPC, the Committee provide a forum for public outreach and direct public participation.  The Committee helps disseminate educational materials prepared by our partners at EPA, DEC and Stony Brook University. Please take a look.


 Fish Habitats  Stormwater Challenge Disposal Tips Septic Systems 
Coastal Watershed  Household Waste  Health Yard  Wastewater 101