

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Marine Conservation Permits

Marine Conservation Permits

In addition to any necessary federal or state approvals, those planning to do construction work along Huntington's marine shoreline (such as build or replace or alter a jetty, pier, seawall or other shoreline hardening structure or dig, excavate, dredge or fill in an area along coastal waters) require a Town of Huntington Marine Conservation Permit. 

A Marine Conservation Permit is essentially a Building Permit for the waterfront. The coordinating agency is the Building & Housing Department. Prior to filing a Huntington Marine Conservation Permit application, you will have to notify and/or apply to the following agencies: 

A completed Marine Conservation Permit application is reviewed by Building & Housing, a division to the Engineering Services Department. It is then reviewed by Maritime Services and the Huntington Conservation Board for potential environmental impacts. An application that is completed and undergone review is sent to the Town Board. 

The Town Board must agree to consider the application, and vote to hold a Public Hearing. If the Town Board does so, it becomes the responsibility of the applicant to obtain from the Town a list of and then notify every property owner within five hundred feet (500') of the property line of where the proposed work activity of the public hearing and the date and time at which it will be held. It is further the responsibility of the applicant to send documentation that public notification has been properly executed to the Town Clerk ten (10) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing is scheduled to take place. 

In summary, it generally requires at least three (3) meetings of the Town Board (between three and six  months or more in calendar time) to complete the process described above:

Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3
Town Board votes to Schedule a Public Hearing. Applicant carries out public notice responsibilities and provides proof thereof to the Town Clerk. Town Board hold a Public Hearing on the Permit application. The Board has up to ninety (90) days for consideration, thereafter, which period can also be extended by the Board. Town Board votes to grant a Permit subject to any restrictions that may have been identified as necessary during the Hearing process.