Women’s Business Organization Links
Long Island Development Corporation
Long Island Development Corporation is a 501C3 family of nonprofit economic development organizations which provide low cost loans, free technical assistance and seminars to small businesses, not-for-profits and others in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island, New York.
Long Island Development Corporation
Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women
The Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women was founded in 1977 and is dedicated to expediting the advancement of women to equal participation in business, industry and professions.
Long Island Center for Business and Professional Women
Long Island Advancement of Small Business
Long Island Advancement of Small Business exists to provide small business owners with a collective voice in the marketplace directed at helping affect positive growth for small business in our region. We seek to provide educational programs where business owners might learn practical skills to help grow their business.
Long Island Advancement of Small Business
Long Island Small Business Assistance Corp
Are you a small business, women owned business or minority owned business headquartered or operating in Nassau County or Suffolk County? Do you need money to help your business grow?If so, you can apply for a loan from the Long Island Small Business Assistance Corp. (LISBAC).
Long Island Small Business Assistance Corp