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Radius Searches


A Radius Search may be requested from the Department of Planning and Environment in order to obtain a list of tax map numbers and/or names and property addresses within a particular radius of a specific location (i.e. within a 200, 500 or 1000 foot radius).

When a public hearing has been scheduled on a proposed application under Town review, the applicant must complete a mailing in connection with the notification requirements for the public hearing.  The applicant can obtain the list of tax map numbers and/or names and property addresses from the Department of Planning and Environment in order to mail notices to properties located within a specific radius of the location of the proposed application.


What types of Radius Search services are available?
In accordance with Huntington Town Code, Appendix, Chapter A202, Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations, Schedule C, (A) Radius Search, the Department of Planning and Environment may perform the following Radius Search services upon request:

1. Residential Names and Addresses
2. Commercial/Industrial Names and Addresses 
3. Tax Map Numbers only
4. Mailing Labels
5. Radius Map 
6. Custom Search/Report

What are the fees for Radius Searches?
Please refer to Huntington Town Code, Appendix, Chapter A202, Subdivision and Site Plan Regulations, Schedule C, Miscellaneous Fees and Charges (A) Radius Search.

What is the fee for a Custom Search/Report?
The fee for a Custom Search/Report is determined by the Director of Planning and Environment based on the extent of the information being requested.  Submit your request for information to the Planning Department and you will be notified of the fee required to perform the custom search/report.