Caregiver Services
Caregiver Services Include:
• Seminars
• Respite
• Yoga For Caregivers
• Spousal Bereavement Support Groups
• Caregiver Support Group
• Events
• Advocacy
The Caregiver Coordinator, Laurie Byrne, LMSW, organizes seminars on issues that concern seniors and their caregivers, including educational panels and expert speakers. Laurie also facilitates a Caregiver Support Group that meets two Fridays a month from 10:30 am - Noon.
The Coordinator oversees the respite program. Respite care is provided while caregivers attend support and/or stress reduction groups and special events, upon notification.
The Coordinator offers spousal bereavement group.
Two special Caregiver Events are held annually; one offering education, information and socialization; the other providing entertainment, recreation, stress reduction and socialization. Both events include refreshments.
The Caregiver Coordinator serves individual caregivers and seniors by assisting in the completion of applications for services, linking individuals with other available services and/or agencies, providing information and referral to benefits and entitlements, referring caregivers to volunteer groups that may assist and provide needed services, and, in general, furnishing information regarding their specific needs.
The Caregiver Services program is funded by the Town of Huntington, the U.S. Administration for Community Living through New York State Office for the Aging and Suffolk County Office for the Aging.