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Asian American Task Force

The Town Board of the Town of Huntington seeks to strengthen and build partnerships with Asian-American community leaders to increase community input and enhance communication so that the delivery of governmental services and programs will be responsive to the needs of those served.

In order to meet this goal, the Town Board established the Town of Huntington Asian-American Task Force to advise and assist the Board in formulating and implementing a plan to strengthen Asian-American participation in Town affairs and processes, addressing issues germane to the Asian-American community and promoting greater cultural understanding.

Members of the Town of Huntington Asian-American Task Force will serve as a channel for valuable community input and feedback that is crucial in meeting the Town Boards goals. 

The Town of Huntington Asian-American Task Force is composed of ten (10) members, who shall serve without compensation. Each member of the Town Board shall appoint two (2) members of the Task Force who shall have a term commensurate with the term of the appointing Town Board Member.  The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Task Force shall be selected by the individual members of the Task Force and the Director of Human Services or their designee shall serve as an ex-officio member therefore. 

The Mission of the Asian-American Task Force is:

Bring attention to the Town Board those issues impacting Asian-Americans, including, but not limited to education, health and economic development, improve communication between Town government and the Asian-American community; encourage greater civil participation by members of the Asian-American community and improve cultural understanding between the Asian-American community, Town government and Town of Huntington residents.

The Asian-American Task Force shall promote these purposes through educational programs, conferences and projects.

Task Force Members  Appointed By  Term Expires
Karen Beck - Chairperson  Councilwoman Theresa Mari  12/31/2027
Vipul Gohil  Councilman Dr. Dave Bennardo  12/31/2025
Shazia Jabeen  Councilwoman Theresa Mari  12/31/2027
Jane Kang  Councilwoman Brooke Lupinacci  12/31/2027
Hansen Lee  Councilman Dr. Dave Bennardo  12/31/2025
Victoria Mayes  Councilwoman Brooke Lupinacci  12/31/2027
Michelle McCarthy  Supervisor Edmund J. Smyth   12/31/2025
Aamir Sultan  Councilman Salvatore Ferro  12/31/2025


Contact Information

Kevin Thorbourne, Director
Department of Human Services
(631) 351-3304