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Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

The ADA prohibits Discrimination on the basis of Disability in:

• Title I: Employment
• Title II: State & Local Government Programs, Services, Activities
• Title III: Public Accommodations & Commercial Facilities

ADA Title II: State & Local Government Services

Title II of the ADA protects disabled individuals from discrimination with regard to access to public services, programs or activities of state and local governments. Huntington seeks to ensure that rights of individuals with disabilities are protected as the law requires.

The information on this webpage is to provide the public with information about the ADA and explain the procedure for resolving discrimination complaints covered under Title II of the ADA. The Town Board has appointed  Lauri Gatto-Argiriou as its ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer.  It is her job to answer questions and resolve any ADA Title II related issues.

If you believe you are the subject of discrimination protected under Title II, you may seek to resolve that complaint by following the link to the steps of the ADA Title II Complaint Procedure. 


Contact Information

Laurie Gatto-Argiriou
Assistant Town Attorney
Town of Huntington
100 Main Street
Huntington, New York 11743
Tel: 631.351.3178
Fax: 631.351.3032

ADA Library

   For complete information about the Americans with Disabilities Act, including the text of the federal statute and amendments, visit the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) webpage at the United States Department of Justice.