Paratransit Fares
Paratransit trips generally cost $4.00 per passenger for each one-way ride.
(Exact fare required; drivers are NOT allowed to make change.)
Personal Care Attendant: Pre-qualified "ADA Paratransit Eligible" customers - who have also been determined to be “PCA Eligible” based on need - may be accompanied by one personal care attendant at no additional charge.
Traveling Companions: Customers enrolled as "ADA Paratransit Eligible" are entitled to be accompanied by a traveling companion (more than one if seating is available). This is in addition to any personal care attendant. Other customers may be accompanied by traveling companions on a space-available basis. Extra fare applies to each traveling companion, regardless of age.
Make sure to let HART know about personal care attendants and traveling companions when you call to request your trips.
Participants in the Town of Huntington’s Adult Daycare Program may travel to and from that program at no charge.