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Gateway Park Community Organic Garden

Construction of the garden began in 2010 under management by The LI Community Network (LICAN), the group’s first project. Volunteers built the beds with materials supplied by Huntington Town, funded by Open Space bond funds.

A new community garden in Huntington Station became LICAN’s first project. The intention was that the new garden would become a template for other community gardens in Huntington and elsewhere on Long Island. These gardens can return some of LI’s rich farmland to production by a new generation of farmers, while building community strength and bridging cultural and ethnic barriers. 

Hunger is a persistent problem in Huntington Station, a multi-cultural African-American, Hispanic, and White community. With that in mind the goals and benefits of the garden were clear: 

  • It would help alleviate hunger by empowering residents to grow a significant portion of their own food. 
  • Organically grown fresh vegetables and fruit would improve nutrition and health. 
  • Educational programs for adults and children would encourage healthy eating by expanding knowledge of vegetables and fruit and how to incorporate them into daily meals. 

The garden has become a source of pride and cooperation in the community, a place to gather with neighbors and an oasis of peace. Children from both the Tri Community & Youth Agency and the town day camp, Project Play, come to Gateway as part of eco-literacy programs that expose them to how food grows and the delights of fresh vegetables, while teaching them aspects of basic plant biology. Gardeners grow food not only for themselves, but also donate weekly to food pantries and food shares.

Apply for a Garden Plot

Gateway is managed by Gateway Garden, Inc., an independent not-for-profit governed by the gardeners themselves under license agreement with the Town. Plots are assigned by members of the corporation’s board. To apply for a plot, visit and click on the Apply button or call 631-223-8179.