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Northport Wastewater Collection System Upgrades

Northport Sewer Pipe Upgrades
Installation of new sewer pipe on
Woodbine Avenue, Northport.

Re-lining sewer pipe at foot of James Street

In addition to upgrades at its wastewater treatment plant the Village of Northport is undertaking a project to address the integrity of the sewer collection piping that leads to the plant.

One phase is to replace the “harbor pipe” that extends from the seaward terminus of Fifth Avenue—adjacent to the Woodbine Marina—to the plant. The existing 75-year old harbor pipe made of cast iron that runs parallel to the shoreline is being completely replaced.

Another phase is to re-line upland sections of the existing piping, which in addition to protecting against leaks will reduce or eliminate the more likely possibility of ground water seeping in through piping joints.

Fresh water intrusion is an endemic problem for wastewater treatment facilities. It is a costly inefficiency that requires valuable plant capacity to be set aside for processing clean water.

Because plants must stay within the limits of their permitted average daily volume, this means fewer opportunities to connect homes and businesses that could positively impact overall water quality and additional revenues.

Newer pipes can be relined rather than replaced.  This method is far more cost effective and is designed to keep ground water from seeping into the collection system, as well as preventing wastewater from seeping out.

Workers (as shown right) clean the interior surface of the existing pipe with a Water Lance.  A device is then used to apply a sealant material to walls and joints of the pipe.