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Northport Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

    Northport STP Upgrade 1

Early stages of construction at the Northport STP, showing 
rebar grid, reinforcement for bottom slab of the Mud well
and Clear well of the new denitrification building.

   Denitrification building with equipment installed.

In June 2013, the Village of Northport commenced Phase II Upgrades of its Wastewater Reclamation Facility designed to achieve US EPA and NYS DEC mandated Phase II water quality standards for protecting harbor and coastal waters.

The Northport project consists of a denitrification filter, a new pH Control building, and a Raptor Micro-strainer to remove inorganic solids. 

The principal reason for this multi-million dollar construction project was to lower the amount of Nitrogen the facility discharges into the harbor.

The New York State SPEDES permit limit on Nitrogen–formerly twenty-one pounds per day (21 lbs/day)–was reduced to ten pounds per day (10 lb/day) effective August 2014 in accord with federal and state Phase II standards.

The new technology coupled with intensive staff training has yielded better than expected results.

Overall average Nitrogen discharge since the facility improvements went online has been an astounding six and six-tenths pounds per day (6.6 lbs/day).