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Rider Information

• HART buses will stop at any intersection along the route at which it is safe to do so. If there is a bus stop sign, bench, or shelter nearby, please wait there. Plan to arrive at the bus stop at least five minutes ahead of time and allow extra travel time in bad weather since buses may be unavoidedly delayed.

• Make sure you can be seen by the approaching bus driver and give a wave so that he or she knows that you are waiting for the bus. Check the destination signs to be sure you’re getting on the right bus.

• Be careful when boarding or alighting the bus, especially in bad weather. Use the handrails for support.

• Courtesy seats for elderly or disabled passengers are located toward the front of the bus. Please make them available when requested. Be sure that children are seated securely or are being held firmly by an adult.

• Keep bulky items out of the aisles, doorways and other passengers’ way. Hazardous items may not be brought aboard a HART bus. Small pets may be brought on board if they are completely enclosed in a suitable carrier. Disabled persons may be accompanied by a leashed service animal.

• Do not change seats while the bus is in motion. Keep your head and arms inside the bus at all times.

• Smoking is forbidden by New York State law. Eating, drinking, and the use of audio equipment without headphones are prohibited. Loud or unruly behavior will not be tolerated.

• Use the chime to notify your driver that you want to get off the bus. The driver will let you off at the next corner or bus stop at which it is safe to do so.

• Remember to take your personal belongings and any trash with you when you leave the bus. If you do leave something behind, call our offices at (631-427-8287) [TDD: 1-800-662-1220]. You may recover your property with proper identification.

• In the event of an emergency, immediately notify the driver and follow his or her instructions.

• HART buses feature front-end kneelers, wheelchair lifts, and other equipment that make them accessible to disabled persons. Wheelchair lifts are also available to passengers using walkers, canes, braces, or who are otherwise mobility impaired. If you are disabled and need assistance getting on or off the bus or securing your wheelchair, your driver will gladly assist you.

• If you have any questions about traveling by bus or using the HART bus system, the driver will be happy to assist you, but please avoid any unnecessary conversation since he or she must concentrate on driving safely.