
Green Huntington

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Climate Action Plan

ACEERS is adapting and updating elements of the original RETF Energy Master Plan that uses a series of seven priorities with which to analyze climate action policies and make recommendations to the Town Board:

1. Reduction in carbon footprint and energy use in Town facilities
2. Increase the use of renewable energy sources
3. Reduce transportation-related Green House Gas emissions
4. Increase energy efficiency in commercial, residential and government buildings
5. Grow the “Green” business marketplace in Huntington
6. Expand education and community awareness about Sustainable living
7. Prioritize Sustainability practices for Town officials and employees

The Town has also asked ACEERS to function as Huntington's Climate Smart Community Task Force.  Under the Climate Smart Community program ACEERS will evaluate and advise on: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation, Hazard Mitigation Grant Programs and Resilience Strategies.  Town of Huntington became the first municipality on Long Island to adopt a Climate Action Plan (CAP) on June 9, 2015 thanks to ACEERS hard work and contribution to the CAP, and since the CAP is a living document, ACEERS is working to keep it current.