
Planning, Building, & Zoning

Due to the upcoming weather the ice rink has a delayed start tomorrow. The rink will open at 8:00 AM. The morning freestyle will be changed to: Monday, January 20th - 8:00 - 9:50 AM.

Please click here for Melville Town Center Information 

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Huntington Planning Board (Important Information)

Video Recordings: Meetings of the Planning Board as well as the  Zoning Board of Appeals and Town Board, are regularly recorded and re-broadcast on the Town’s government access television station: Huntington Town Television (HTTV). The television schedule (Cablevision Channel 18 and Verizon FIOS Channel 38) is available by clicking on the Scheduled Programming button on the Media Center-HTTV page on the homepage Services tab. Board meeting streaming video is also available (24-hours a day, 7-days a week) on the Town website by clicking on the Meetings on Demand button on the Media Center-HTTV page. (Allow a few moments for the Meetings on Demand page to load fully.) 

Planning, ZBA & Town Board Agendas: Preliminary agendas for the upcoming meeting as well as archived agenda for past meetings are accessible from the Agendas & Meetings link on the Government tab on the homepage and by clicking on the Meetings on Demand button on the Media Center-HTTV page. 

Receive notice of the Public Hearing: It is possible to receive notice of the public hearing on a specific application by using the Notify Me function on the Town's website. You will be automatically be notified via e-mail when the public hearing scheduled is published. 

Unable to attend the Public Hearing: Those unable to attend a public hearing have two options. A letter that is sent to and received by the Board prior to the public hearing outlining specific questions, comments or imparting pertinent facts will be entered as part of the record. You may have someone appear on your behalf and read your letter at the public hearing and it will also become part of the permanent record.

Checking on the status of a pending Application: Information concerning the status of pending Lot Line Change, Subdivision, Site Plan, or Zone Change application is available by contacting the Planning & Environment Department at (631) 351-3196 or by e-mailing Please have handy or include with the e-mail the application name, property address and/or Suffolk County Tax Map number. (For information concerning the status of pending ZBA application can be obtained by calling the ZBA office during business hours at at (631) 351-3123 or by e-mailing Please have ZBA application number, property address and/or Suffolk County Tax Map number handy at the time you call or referenced in your e-mail.)

Notification of Public Hearing on Subdivision ApplicationsNotification depends on proximity of a neighboring property to the proposed subdivision. After a preliminary application has been submitted to the Planning & Environment Department and a public hearing date set, the applicant is legally required to perform the following actions:

1. Mail notice of the Public Hearing, postmarked no less than thirty (30) days, no more than thirty-five (35) days before the hearing, addressed to owners and occupants of all adjoining properties located within 200' (or 500 feet') of the exterior limits of the Applicant’s property lines. (The notice radius differs with zoning classification.)

2. Post a Public Hearing Notice on each frontage of the property, giving notice that an application for subdivision is pending, and the date, time and place at which the Public Hearing will take place. Notice must be placed on the frontages not less than five (5) days immediately preceding the public hearing.

In addition to the Applicant’s notice responsibilities, the Town advertises Public Hearing notices in the Long Islander and Observer newspapers.  The Public Hearing also appears on the up coming Planning Board Agenda, available on the Town website.  Follow Media Center-HTTV link on the Services tab on the homepage and click the Meetings on Demand button. 

Reviewing proposed Applications, Maps and/or other Materials: Any member of the public who wishes to review or obtain copies of public documents may do so under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) by submitting a FOIL Request Form to the Planning & Environment Department in person, by fax, mail or e-mail.