
Streets and Highways

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Highway Department

The Highway Department is responsible for the maintenance, rehabilitation, and drainage of all Town Highways. This is accomplished through the annual Roadway Rehabilitation Program, on-going maintenance and pothole repair, snow and ice removal and control, drainage and flood control, and road sweeping.

The Superintendent’s jurisdiction includes approximately 800 miles of roads, 465 recharge basins, 20,000 catch basins, 2,000 leaching pools and 500 miles of pipe. In addition, the Highway Office maintains a Highway Operations Center (631-499-0444) with dedicated dispatchers for resident concerns, and provides the following services: Adopt-A-Highway Program, drainage construction, drainage control, pothole repair, road rehabilitation program, leaf bag program, grass cutting of Town rights-of-way; tree planting, removal, and improvements, road opening permits, and banner permits, including block parties and parades.


Contact Information

Andre Sorrentino
Superintendent of Highways

George Schwertl
Deputy Superintendent  

30 Rofay Drive
Huntington, NY 11743

Main Office Hours
Monday - Friday  
7:30am - 4:00pm