Trash and Recycling Links
Commercial Trash & Recycling
The majority of commercial businesses in the Town of Huntington contract with private waste haulers for the collection of their business trash and recyclables. Questions or requests for additional services should be directed at your facility manager or the trash hauler under contract to your business.
The Town does license commercial trash haulers, for information on licensed trash haulers in the Town of Huntington: Licensed Solid Waste Haulers
For a list of currently licensed solid waste haulers click here: Current Licensed Solid Waste Haulers List
The commercial Refuse District located in Huntington and Huntington Station is collected by Municipal employees. Businesses in this District place their trash curbside and are collected by Town of Huntington garbage trucks every evening except Sunday.
- If you would like to reduce the amount of waste your business produces or are considering expanding the recycling programs at work then you should download the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation pamphlet: Recycling Tips For Businesses
- New York State law has made it illegal for businesses to throw out electronics in their regular trash. All businesses must recycle their electronic waste. To learn more about this program: E-waste Recycling Options For Small Businesses