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Subdivision Reviews

Prospective developers are strongly advised to consult with the Department at the earliest possible date prior to acquiring property to be subdivided, including parcels that are located on an existing filed map. It is strongly recommended this be done prior to title closing and prior to any engineering work, other than a boundary survey.

A Pre-Application is required prior to submission of a Preliminary Application. The purpose of a Pre-Application is to complete a cursory review of the proposed development intended towards identifying deficiencies or non-conformities, either existing or proposed and to make recommendation for the most appropriate use of the land in accordance with the Town of Huntington Comprehensive Master Plan.

Upon receipt of a complete Pre-Application, the Department staff will review the application and maps submitted for compliance with the Town of Huntington regulations and for compliance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). The staff review of the Pre-Application shall not be construed as an approval or denial of the proposed subdivision.

A Pre-Application for Subdivision is required before an application can be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals for any variances, interpretations, and special use permits related to an anticipated subdivision application.

Listing files in 'Subdivision Reviews'


Can the Pre-Application be waived?
A request for a waiver of the Pre-Application may be made in writing to the Director of Planning and Environment.  A waiver of the requirement for a Pre-Application may be considered if the following criterion is met:

1. The subject property has undergone a Pre-Application review within the last year and there has been no significant change to the map design; and

2. There has been no change to the Code of the Town of Huntington or to these regulations which may apply to or impact the proposed subdivision;


1. The proposed subdivision complies to all aspects of the applicable Zoning District, either outright or as the result of a Zoning Board of Appeals variance or Town Board approved Zone Change; and

2. There has been no change to the plan that was presented to the Zoning Board of Appeals or Town Board; and

3.There has been no change to the Code of the Town of Huntington or to these regulations that may apply to or impact the proposed subdivision.

What is the definition of a subdivision?
Huntington Town Code, Chapter 198-2, defines a subdivision is as, “The division or development of any real property into more than one (1) lot, block or site, with or without streets, not on a map previously filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County pursuant to § 335 of the Real Property Law, and includes property fronting on existing streets.

What is the definition of a resubdivision?
Huntington Town Code, Chapter 198-2, defines a resubdivision is defined as, “The redivision or redevelopment of lots, blocks or sites already shown on a map filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County pursuant to § 335 of the Real Property Law." 

What is the definition of a minor subdivision?
A minor subdivision is defined as a subdivision containing four (4) or fewer lots.

What is the definition of a major subdivision?
A major subdivision is defined as a subdivision containing five (5) or more lots. 

What if the proposed subdivision is not located within a Sewer District?
If the proposed subdivision is not located within a Sewer District and is not in conformance with Suffolk County Sanitary Code, Article 6, a variance from the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) or a Transfer of Flow Rights, pursuant to Huntington Town Code, Chapter 172, Land Conservation may be required.  It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the SCDHS Office of Wastewater Management at the earliest possible date.

What are the Sewer Connection Fees?
The Department of Environmental Waste Management has adopted significant changes to their fees for parcels that lie within the Huntington and Centerport Sewer Districts, as well as parcels that are intending to apply to enter either district.  Contact the Department of Environmental Waste Management for additional information. 

What if the proposed subdivision is waterfront property?
If the subject property(s) are located within the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) area, a LWRP Consistency Assessment Form is required.  Contact the Department of Maritime Services for additional information.

What if the proposed subdivision has steep slopes?
In accordance with Huntington Town Code, Chapter 198, Article X, The Steep Slopes Conservation Law, “No building permit shall be issued and no site plan or subdivision shall be approved by any town department, agency or board for the development of land in any zoning district if any portion of the property is a Hillside Area until the provisions of this Article have been applied.” If any portion of the subject property(s) is a “Hillside Area”, as defined by Town Code, then the applicant is required to submit a Steep Slope Analysis to the Planning Department so that an accurate yield can be determined.