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Town of Huntington, NY - News Details

10/19/2021 - Huntington Town Board Schedules 2022 Budget Hearings

The Huntington Town Board held its October 13, 2021 meeting, where they scheduled various public hearings, including the 2022 Preliminary Budget, for which there will be presentations from various departments. 


The Town Board accepted the following donations and thanks the donors for their generosity: 


  • Materials, labor and equipment from Posillico, Inc. and Roger Ambrosio Paving, Inc. to repave sections of the golf cart paths at the Crab Meadow Golf Course. 
  • A Memorial Garden installed in August 2021 at Mr. P’s Playground in the Town of Huntington Veteran’s Park by Pixie Ryan for her Eagle Scout Service Project. 
  • An electric clock tower and landscaping, consisting of plantings, pavers and mulch, from the Huntington Station Business Improvement District. 
  • 54 flags, poles and brackets from Pink Aid Long Island to turn Huntington Pink from October 4, 2021 through October 31, 2021 for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 
  • 54 American flags and poles from the Huntington BID to honor our active service men and women in the armed forces and our veterans from November 1, 2021 through December 7, 2021. 
  • Cookies from King Kullen for the Town of Huntington Senior Center's annual Italian Festival/Pasta Celebration on October 12. 


At the request of the applicant, the Town Board adjourned the public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, October 13, 2021 to Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM to consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number 55-2021, considering Application #2021-ZM-455 of Equestrian Estates of Melville for inclusion in the Special Equestrian Center Overlay District for the property located on the east side of Round Swamp Road, south of Northern State Parkway, Melville SCTM #0400-228-02- (002, 003, 015.001). 


The Town Board scheduled public hearings for the Thursday, November 4, 2021 Town Board meeting at 7:00 PM to consider: 


  • Authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, §156-60 (Blighted Property). 
  • Re: Preliminary Annual Operating Budget. 
  • Re: Preliminary Capital Budget. 
  • Adopting the assessment roll for the Huntington Sewer District. 
  • Adopting the assessment roll for the Centerport Sewer District. 
  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.   60-2021 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article I, §2-1, Schedule A.  Re: Pinelawn Road at Hartz Mountain/Long Island National Cemetery – Melville – Traffic Signal. To install a full-traffic actuated signal at the intersection paid for by Suffolk County.  
  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No. 61-2021, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 87 (Building Construction) and Chapter 156 (Property Maintenance; Nuisances). Requiring pool fences or barriers to be constructed in accordance with the State building code and ensuring violations to be considered a nuisance 
  • The environmental impacts of the proposed sewer connection and whether a revised SEQRA determination is warranted for Zone Change Application #2019-ZM-440, Benchmark Senior Living at Dix Hills, located on the northeast corner of Half Hollow Road and North Service Road, Melville (SCTM #0400-259-02-049 & 0400-260-02-001 & 002). 
  • The increase and improvement of facilities of the South Huntington Water District, in the Town of Huntington, in the County of Suffolk, New York, pursuant to Section 202-b of the Town Law. consisting of wellhead treatment improvements at Well No. 10, including any ancillary or related work required in connection. 
  • (As the Board of Trustees) Executing a license agreement for the use of Board of Trustee land as is necessary to maintain and operate a yacht club with dock assemblage at the premises known as the Ketewomoke Yacht Club, Halesite, New York.; the proposed agreement provides $29,847.22 in annual rent payments to the Town from the Yacht Club, starting in 2022 with 3.5% annual increases for the following nine years, with the annual rent amounting to $40,678.84 by year ten as well as the Yacht Club paying real estate taxes on the property. 
  • (As the Board of Trustees) The granting of a variance. the issuance of a special use permit and the execution of a license agreement pursuant to the Marine Conservation Law, Town Code Chapter 137 for the construction of a residential fixed pier and floating dock assembly. Applicant: Keith Kebe   Location: 1 Heckscher Drive, Huntington Bay, NY   S.C.T.M. #0402-002.00-01.00-017.001 


In other action, the Town Board: 


  • Amended Chapter 141 (Noise) of the Town Code to further restrict the use of gas leaf blowers, deeming it a noise disturbance for commercial landscapers to operate a gas leaf blower any time on Saturdays between Memorial Day and Labor Day on residential property (previously, gas leaf blower use was allowed year-round on Saturdays 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM).  
  • Authorized the Supervisor to apply for and receive up to $500,000 in grant funding under the State and Municipal Facilities Capital Program to restore the exterior of the Heckscher Museum. 
  • Ceremoniously renamed the Town “Hauntington” for Halloween, Sunday, October 31, 2021. 
  • Extended the time to pay taxes by up to 5 business days to Monday, June 6, 2022, for residents granted a Senior Citizen Tax Exemption and/or Enhanced Star Exemption.  
  • Amended the Town Code Chapter 50 (Public Nuisances) and Chapter 135 (Loitering, Parking and Congregating), designating buildings and properties used for illegal activities as public nuisances and amplifying the procedures and remedies available to abate them. 
  • Reduced the Speed Limit on Turkey Lane in Cold Spring Harbor from 30 MPH to 20 MPH during school hours from 290 feet north of Fox Hunt Lane to Erick Court at the request of residents. 

