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Town of Huntington, NY - News Details

11/22/2021 - Huntington Town Board Postpones Vote to Amend Matinecock Court Agreement

The Huntington Town Board held its November 18, 2021 meeting, where they unanimously adopted the 2022 Operating & Capital Budget and postponed a vote on proposed changes to the Matinecock Court Development.


The Town Board tabled a resolution proposed on the dais and added to the agenda as a late starter, which would have amended the court-ordered settlement agreement with Matinecock Court Housing Development Fund Corporation and Matinecock Court LLC for the proposed development for low-income housing at the corner of Pulaski Road and Elwood Road in East Northport.


In a deal reached with community input, the current settlement agreement ensures the Matinecock Court Development would contain 155 low-income residential units, with 50% of the units as rentals and 50% of the units as equity or homeowner units.


The proposed amendments to the settlement agreement would:


  • decrease the number of residential units from 155 to 146;
  • change the rental/equity split to 100% “limited equity cooperative;” and
  • remove real estate tax assessment language and replace it will language exempting the property from local and municipal taxes, other than assessments for local improvements, and requiring annual payments in lieu of taxes (PILOT), pursuant to 40-year PILOT agreement in the amount of $1,200 per dwelling unit, increasing the lesser of 2% annually or the amount of any rent increase approved by New York State Homes and Community Renewal and any other applicable governmental authority regulating the development.


At the Town Board Workshop meeting earlier in the day, the Matinecock Court resolution failed to receive a sponsor from any of the Town Board members, effectively removing the resolution from the agenda for the evening’s Town Board meeting.


The resolution was then added to the meeting agenda as a late starter at 11:00 PM despite objections by Supervisor Chad A. Lupinacci and Councilman Ed Smyth against voting on it at the eleventh hour after community members were assured the resolution would not be on the agenda once it failed to receive a sponsor earlier in the day. The Town Board subsequently voted to table the resolution to be reconsidered at the December 14, 2021 meeting at 2:00 PM.


At the request of the applicant, the Town Board adjourned, from Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 7:00 PM to a date yet to be determined when the 2022 meeting schedule is adopted, the public hearing to consider adopting Local Law Introductory Number 1-2021, considering zone change application #2020-ZM-448, Huntington Hospital, to change the zoning from R-10 & R-20 Residence Districts to C-1 Office Residence District for the properties located on the north and south sides of View Acre Drive, east of Park Avenue, Huntington, SCTM # 0400-074-01-020 & 074-02- (011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 017.001, 017.002).


The Town Board scheduled public hearings for the Tuesday, December 14, 2021 Town Board meeting at 2:00 PM to consider:


  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.66-2021 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Article II (Zoning Districts; Map; General Regulations), §198-6 (Designation of Districts), Article V (Industrial Districts), §198-35.1 (Industrial Mixed Use Overlay District), and Article IX (Height, Area and Bulk Regulations), §198-55 (Chart of Height, Area and Bulk Requirements); establishing a Mixed-Use Overlay District consisting of multi-family residential housing, professional offices, scientific research, entertainment, retail, personal service, and food establishments for properties zoned Light Industry 1 and Light Industry 2, which meet certain criteria, including maximum height, parking, sewer-connection, and public space requirements.
    • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.67-2021 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article II (Zoning Districts; Map; General Regulations) and Article XI (Conditional Uses; Supplementary Regulations); excluding the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay District from the limitation of one building per lot in Light Industry 1 and Light Industry 2-zoned lots approved for the Mixed-Use Overlay District.
    • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.68-2021 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 74 (Affordable Housing), Article I (General Provisions) and Article IV (Rezoning of Property); making the Town's 20% affordable component for residential units equally applicable in the proposed Mixed-Use Overlay District in Light Industry 1 and Light Industry 2-zoned lots.
  • Authorizing various actions be taken upon certain properties designated as blighted in accordance with Chapter 156, Article VII, §156-60 (Blighted Property).
  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.69-2021 amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 74 (Affordable Housing), Article I (General Provisions) and Article VI (Planning Board Approvals); establishing alternative formulas, created with the support of the Huntington Housing Coalition, for the calculation of affordable rents on smaller projects in commercial zones due to higher construction costs.
  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.71-2021 amending the Uniform Traffic Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 2, Article IV, §2-7, Schedule G.Re: Centershore Road, Mill Dam Road – Centerport – Stop Signs; making the southern intersection an all-way stop at Centershore Road and Mill Dam Road in Centerport.
  • Adopting Local Law Introductory No.72-2021, amending the Code of the Town of Huntington, Chapter 198 (Zoning), Article I (General Provisions); to amend the definition of "food shop" to be consistent with State law.


In other action, the Town Board:


  • Unanimously amended and adopted the Preliminary Annual Operating Budget for 2022, as the Annual Operating Budget for Fiscal Year commencing January 1, 2022, also adopting the 2022 Capital Budget.
  • Waived metered parking fees in the Huntington Village shopping area beginning December 16 and ending December 26 and authorized the installation of holiday lights and decorations in various business areas by the Huntington Township Chamber of Commerce and Huntington Village Business Improvement District; the Huntington Station Business Improvement District; and the East Northport Chamber of Commerce, including a Menorah and Nativity Scene on Town property at the Northport LIRR Station.
  • Extended the time period for the display of 54 American flags on designated lamp posts along NY Route 25A and New York Avenue in Huntington Village from December 7, 2021 to January 7, 2022 to honor our veterans and active service men and women in the armed forces.

