Thank yous from Recipients

Dear Huntington Seniors,
The Staff of the EAC’s Suffolk children’s Center would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your recent donations. The hats, gloves, sweaters and blankets will be keeping our little clients warm during the inclement weather this winter. At times the children come to court not dressed appropriately for the weather; the staff then supplies any items they may need. The handmade items are beautiful and we deeply appreciate your hard work and support of our center; you have put smiles on the little faces of our clients. We thank you for all your support!
Wendy Meyer
Head Teacher/Supervisor
Suffolk County Children’s Center
An EAC Program (Education & Assistance Corp.)
Dear Friends,
We have received your wonderful donation of the most beautiful blankets and sweaters. Being able to provide families and babies with such incredibly generous keepsakes really means so much to the families. We thank you for remembering these sweet babies when you are crafting.
With much gratitude,
Linda Eschberger
Nurse Manager
And NICU staff and families
Dear Seniors,
My granddaughter received a beautifully made with “love” sweater set. Her name is Ileanna. We were so taken when we saw it just sitting there on the counter when we came for a visit. We just can’t wait to see her in it come fall. Ileanna and her mom (my daughter) will be living with us (grandma & pop) and we are thrilled about it. Again, thank you all so very much for blessing our sweet grand baby with a sweater made with love.
Our prayers are with you all,
Kathy Farsh
Dear Seniors,
I was a patient at Huntington Hospital last May, and I needed to have surgery. It was a pretty bleak experience. Then – lo! A volunteer came into the room with a lovely pillow that you had made. It was a little piece of cheer when I wasn’t feeling too well.
I keep it on my bed at home now to remind me of your kindness. Happily, I have made a complete recovery and I am able to enjoy the summer.
God Bless you all!
Mary Donlen
Dear Barbara,
Welcome to and thank you from Warmth for Warriors. Your contribution of seventy three hats is greatly appreciated. As of two weeks ago we had shipped hat #13,200. Thanks to thoughtful people like you, we are able to continue these shipments.
Again, thank you for contributing!
Jodi Cornwell
Board Secretary
Warmth for Warriors