Trash and Recycling Links
Bottles, Cans & Plastic Recycling
Rinse plastic, glass and metal recyclables clean. Remove lids and caps and put both the containers and lids/caps into any rigid container, or blue bin that is stickered on both sides with "Huntington Recycles" stickers. The container, when full, should be no more than 50 lbs.. Place the covered container at the curb on the days indicated by the on-line calendar.
Recyclables in plastic bags will not be collected. If your sanitation carter sees any plastic bags containing recyclables or any loose bags among your recyclable items in your container they have been instructed by the Town to leave the whole load behind.
If you need a replacement for your blue bin, stickers are available from Town Hall, the Recycling Center and all libraries in the Town. These can be affixed to any garbage container of 42 gallons or less.
Acceptable Bottles, Cans & Plastics Recyclables Include:
- Food and beverage cans
- All plastic food, soap & beverage containers with Resin Codes 1 – 5, and 7 are accepted
- Unsoiled disposable aluminum pans & aluminum foil
- Metal pots, pans and durable aluminum trays
- Wine, liquor, and juice bottles
- Food jars
- Shampoo and detergent bottles
- Aerosol cans from kitchen, bathroom or laundry area (no automotive or paint aerosol cans).
Unacceptable Curbside Bottles, Cans & Plastic Recyclables:
Dispose of these items with your household trash except where noted.

- Plastic bags and plastic wrap (see note)
- Plastic toys
- Plastic utensils and plastic straws
- Garden hoses
- Hangers (see note)
- Any aerosol cans containing paint or used for auto maintenance
- Flower pots & plant containers
- Ceramic items
- Oil cans
- Light bulbs (see note)
- Mirrors and plate glass
- Empty paint cans
- Plastic items without a resin code symbol
- Styrofoam containers and packing materials.
(Note)These items are recyclable, just not through the Town’s curbside collection program. Many dry cleaners will accept hangers returned from homeowners. New York State law mandates that larger supermarkets and retailers have plastic bag recycling programs. Fluorescent and LED bulbs can be processed at Town's Recycling Center, incandescent bulbs should be disposed of in household trash.
Plastic Packaging fill can be recycled. Telephone 1-800-828-2214 for the location of the nearest package store or business which accepts plastic loose fill for reuse.
Additional Information: