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Town of Huntington, NY - News Details

12/11/2018 - [VIDEO] Lupinacci Asks for Residents’ Participation Ahead of January 2 Dual-Stream Recycling Start

Huntington – Supervisor Chad A. Lupinacci is encouraging residents and business owners to keep Huntington green by adhering to important recycling habits in anticipation of the Town’s adoption of a dual-stream recycling program beginning in 2019 with the first collection date on Wednesday, January 2, 2019.


Due to the collapse of the global recycling market, which forced the Town’s single-stream recycling processor to cease operations in October, the Town of Huntington expects to adopt a dual-stream recycling program as of January 2019 by Town Board vote at the December 18 Town Board Meeting.


“Huntington is 100% committed to recycling and protecting our environment, which is why we are adopting dual-stream recycling as of January 2019,” said Supervisor Chad A. Lupinacci. “Dual-stream recycling is the only cost-effective, environmentally responsible option available that will allow the Town to continue our recycling program.”

With the slump in the worldwide recycling market over the last two years, “single stream” recyclables have become increasingly difficult to process and market. One way the Town of Huntington can deliver and better market recyclable materials is to return to dual-stream recycling.


Dual-stream recycling means collecting bottles, cans and plastics one week and paper and corrugated cardboard the following week. Alternating the material on recycling days requires less sorting (which decreases the cost of the program) and also improves the quality of paper and corrugated cardboard (which increases revenue).


Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019, will be the first recycling collection date of 2019, collecting plastics, bottles and cans the first week and paper recyclables the next week, alternating every week. Recycling pickup dates are noted in the 2019 Trash Pickup and Recycling Calendar, scheduled for postal delivery by December 17.


Sticking to proper recycling habits found in the 2019 Trash Pickup and Recycling Calendar will help keep Huntington green as more material will be recycled and less material will be rejected at the recycling facility.


Lupinacci encourages residents and business owners to follow important recycling tips to improve the quality of the Town’s curbside recyclables, which will help keep processing costs down:


·         Keep paper recyclables clean and dry: Wet and soiled paper and cardboard are NOT recyclable. Keep paper dry by putting a lid on paper recycling containers. Ensure paper is clean by keeping paper separate from your bottles, cans, and plastics.


·         Do not place recyclables in plastic bags: Plastic bags are NOT recyclable at the curb (they are only recyclable at take back/drop off sites such as your local supermarket). Remember to rinse your bottles, cans and jars, placing items loose in your recycling container.


·         When in doubt, throw it out. It is better to throw an item in the trash than have it contaminate your curbside pickup, which drives up the cost of processing recyclables.


·         Try to avoid glass: While glass is recyclable, it is very difficult and costly to recycle. If you can find ways to reuse glass or avoid purchasing goods in glass containers, this practice will help keep recycling costs down.



The Town provides recycling decals that can be placed on recycling containers. Recycling decals are available at the following locations:


·         Huntington Town Hall, 100 Main Street, Huntington, at the front desk in the lobby;

·         Town of Huntington Recycling Center, 641 New York Avenue, Huntington; and

·         All public libraries in the Town of Huntington.


Residents may request recycling decals at by going to the Trash & Recycling button on the homepage and submitting a request through Huntington’s At Your Service portal.


In 2019, recycling pickup dates will not be cancelled during holiday weeks. During holiday weeks, residents affected by cancelled trash pickup will be allowed double the allowed pickup volume on their second scheduled trash pickup date of the week.


For more information about dual-stream recycling, see:


VIDEO – Dual Stream Recycling Tips:


Attached: Recycling literature found in 2019 Trash Pickup and Recycling Calendar.

