
Green Huntington

State of the Town Address - February 25th, 2025

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Climate Smart Communities Pledge

1. Pledge to Combat Climate Change by Becoming a Climate Smart Community: Set goals to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to predicted climatic changes. Establish a task force. Designate a point person. Join a national climate campaign such as ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.
2. Set Goals, Inventory Emissions, Move to Action: Gather data about local GHG emission sources. Inventory emissions. Establish baselines. Develop quantifiable interim GHG emission targets. Propose emission reduction schedule and financing strategy. Develop a Local Action Plan for reducing emissions. 

3. Decrease Energy Demand for Local Government Operations: Adopt the state’s goal of reducing electricity use by 15 percent from projected levels no later than 2015. Take into account existing public facilities, new public buildings, community infrastructure, vehicle fleet and commuting. Improve waste management in government operations. 

4. Encourage Renewable Energy for Local Government Operations: Set a goal to maximize the use of public energy generated from renewable sources (e.g. solar, wind, small hydro). 

5. Realize Benefits of Recycling and Other Climate Smart Solid Waste Management Practices: Promote reuse and ensure access to comprehensive recycling. Adopt a green purchasing program. 

6. Promote Climate Protection Through Community Land Use Tools: Keep development low-carbon-intensity and resilient to climatic change. Update land use policies, building codes, community plans in ways that reduce sprawl, minimize development in floodplains, and protect forests. 

7. Plan for Adaptation to Unavoidable Climate Change: Identify risks to government facilities and functions (e.g. water supply, sewers), and factor into long-term investments and decision-making. Develop a Climate Adaptation Plan, with priority to the most vulnerable areas.

8. Support a Green Innovation Economy: Incorporate climate protection and sustainability into economic development plans. Encourage work force training and public education for energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

9. Inform and Inspire the Public: Lead by example. Publicize local government commitment to reducing energy use, saving tax dollars, and adapting to changing conditions. Encourage citizens to follow suit. 

10. Commit to an Evolving Process: Be willing to consider new ideas and adapt existing approaches. Compare successes and cooperate with neighboring communities.