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Poetry for the HART (Town-Sponsored)

Poetry for the HART is a teen poetry program of the Town of Huntington's Public Art Initiative, presented in cooperation with Teenspeak (co-lead agency) and other community agencies.  Launched in 2003, the program was initially biannual, but was changed to an annual program in 2007.  

A townwide open call for entries is distributed to area libraries, schools, and youth groups requesting submission of short poems (10-30 lines) written by Huntington teens (ages 14-18).  Submitted poems are reviewed by a panel composed of area poets, community youth group leaders, and representatives of the Town's Public Art Advisory Committee.  The winning poems are displayed on 11x24" placards in the interior advertising spaces of buses in the Town's HART system for a minimum of one year.  In late-April the year's program winners participate in an award ceremony with members of the Huntington Town Board followed by a poetry reading led by selected adult poet mentors. 

For information on the most recent Poetry for the HART call for entries, click here.  For documentation of the winning poems for prior years of the program, use the links provided below: