Article IV. Maintenance of Sidewalk Area
Article IV. Maintenance of Sidewalk Area
§ 173-16. Duty to repair, maintain and keep sidewalks clear; liability.
[Amended 4-25-2006 by L.L. No. 12-2006]
The owner, lessee, tenant and occupant of lands fronting or abutting on any streets, highway, roadway, public lane, alley or square in any zoning district, shall maintain and repair the sidewalk adjoining his lands and shall keep such sidewalk free and clear of snow, ice, filth, dirt, weeds and all other obstructions and shall remove snow and ice within four (4) hours after snow has ceased to fall or after the deposit of any dirt, object or other material upon such sidewalks. The period between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall not be included in computing such requirements. Such owner, lessee, tenant or occupant, and each of them, shall be liable for any injury or damage to person or property by reason of the omission, failure or neglect to repair or maintain such sidewalk in a safe condition or to remove snow, ice or other obstructions and/or defects therefrom.